The Wolf

The Wolf


Wolf is represented by Sirius, part of the constellation known as Canis Major or the Big Dog, by the gods in ancient Egypt. Sirius, guided, protected, and led those who sought light. The Wolf medicine brings forth wisdom and the teacher within us to lead us forward. Her soul is aligned with the moon. Wolf power animal teaches us to hear our internal voice, and, her strong Wolf sense symbolizes clairvoyant power. She empowers leadership qualities, representing freedom and growth. She is wild, untamed, and territorial; and, is not afraid to stand firmly for her principles. As a pathfinder, Spirit Wolf leads us into contemplation, summoning honesty within ourselves, allowing our inner-light to grow and expand into our full potential. Further traits of the Spirit Wolf include faithfulreliableterritorial, and survivor

Traits of the Wolf are: Opportunistic, Territorial, Survivor, Wise, Leader, Reliable, and Faithful.

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